HTSJ - How to "apologize" in Japanese language

Apology => あやまる => a-ya-ma-ru

First Form : I'm sorry

ごめんなさい。 => go-men-na-sai => I am sorry.

"go-men-na-sai" uses when you do something wrong and you want to take responsibilities in your action. "go-men-na-sai" is fully sentence and more polite than the other.

ごめん => go-men => I am sorry.

"go-men" is briefly sentence. You can use it with unimportant incident. It's less polite than "go-men-na-sai".

ごめんね => go-men-ne => I am sorry.

You can add "ne" to make sentence look intimately. You can hear this sentence from many Japan's movies or Japan's teenager because it looked lovely and people'll not get angry when you say this.

Second Form : Excuse me

すみません。 => su-mi-ma-sen => Excuse me

"su-mi-ma-sen" uses when you want to do something that disturb or annoy him/her. ("Excuse me. Can I have this book?")

もうしわけ ありません。 => mou-shi-wa-ke a-ri-ma-sen => Excuse me

"mou-shi-wa-ke a-ri-ma-sen" is same meaning as "su-mi-ma-sen" but more polite than it.

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